CrossReach is a leading charity its history stretches back 150 years to the formation of the Church of Scotland Committee on Christian Life and Work in 1869. Throughout this time CrossReach and its predecessor bodies have worked in communities all over Scotland and beyond, providing social care for those most in need. The services provided have been as numerous as they are varied and have adapted to respond to the needs of the time, in keeping with our ethos:
In Christ’s name we seek to support people to achieve the highest quality of life which they are capable of achieving at any given time.
CrossReach identified a need to adopt a modern ITSM tool to streamline the IT Support process and went to market to identify suitable solutions. After many months of product assessments and evaluations, Simplisys is delighted to confirm that CrossReach finally chose to adopt Simplisys Service Desk and have signed up to a 3 year supply agreement.
Key requirements were; Best value in terms of TCO, Modern easy to navigate UI, Third Party product Integration with AD and Email and excellent Reporting.